Marc Rico Ludwig is an accomplished actor with over a decade of experience. He earned his BFA in Acting from the University of Alberta in 2017 and has since performed in numerous live theatre productions across Canada. Notable performances include the Alberta Opera's Jack and The Beanstalk, Grindstone Theatre's Urinetown, starring in world premiere of Colleen Murphy's I Hope My Heart Burns First (formerly Bright Burning), Mansfield Entertainment's Evil Dead the Musical, Capitol Theatre Port Hope's productions of The Hobbit and The Importance Of Being Ernest, and as Curtis in the 2025 world-premiere of Marc's own play, Butcher The Pig. He's participated in various festivals including The Edmonton Fringe, Nextfest, New Works and Ignite, just to name a few.
Since moving to Ontario and venturing into film, Marc has taken Toronto by storm, starring in a whopping 38 film projects from 2022-2024. From award-winning short films such as Forced Friendships (2022), A Lot Goin' On At 34 Maple Drive (2023), The Bored Room (2023), SCOOPS (2023), 10 000 Days (2023), Guy-Sight (2024), Living With Ads (2024), The Wicked: Reborn (2024), Maybe I Am The Villain (2024), NOW PLAYING (2024),Threadbare (2024) and Daily Dose (2024), to television roles in Somebody Knows Something (Prime), Dark Side Of The 90s (ViceTV) and The Food That Build America (History Channel). His versatility shines through his craft, from comedy to horror as principle characters in various feature films like The Lurker (2023), Switched At Death (2023), MurderFest (2023), Jackknife (2024) and A Farewell To Youth (2025). Worth mentioning too, is his numerous commercials (Kraft Heinz, Subaru, EasyFinancial, FanDuel).
Amidst all of that, Marc has also performed in audio-productions, as Detective Silver in Darkstead (2022), the Narrator in Tales of The Wasted West (2022), Mount Oblivion (2021), Sketchcast (2022), and is a recurring performer in seven episodes ofTwisted Tales Of Murder And Madness (2022-2024).
Furthermore, Marc is a comedy veteran and was a regular performer in Grindstone Theatre's The 11 'O Clock Number (a weekly long-form musical improv show), wrote and directed for Blackout Sketch Comedy, and ran workshops through Impulse Improv Peterborough. Currently, he is developing comedy sketch series Yeah No For Sure with the talented Jean-Diar Kalantar, hosting/competing in Peterborough's Ball-Pit (competitive improv show), and starring alongside the comedy veteran Mark Rostrup in Rico & Rostrup (a monthly two-man improv show).
When not performing, Marc is a writer and is involved in the creative development of new work across Canada. Some of the new work he has been fortunate to be involved in include Colleen Murphy's Bright Burning, In Arms Theatre's Harun by Makram Ayache and Theatre Terrific's In-TEA-Macy by Marifer Douglas, Dylan Rosychuk/Jeff Punya's Titanna Bowa, Cale Crow/Genevieve Adam's Rez Gas, David Archibald's Watch Me Die, Michael O'Brien's Driven, and finally was able to develop his own play, Butcher The Pig which premieres in April 2025 at The Theatre On King.
Finally, Marc co-founded Fine Tuned Films and does headshot photography through MRL Photography, more info on those linked below.